Mobile = Personal Interactions

By amberrenee   |  

April 11, 2017   |  

Marketing   |  

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Mobile = Personal Interactions
As consumers, Mobile gives us the ability to control our “personal sphere” –the things we care about in our life and our work. When we give someone the permission to “be in our pocket” we expect them to provide some type of immediate value or we will block them out forever. These Mobile moments have redefined customer interactions and the relationships between brands & their customers.  If a company can provide value to the customer during these mobile moments, customers will begin to value the company, trust them and depend on them.
Mobile is the First truly personal marketing channel. Mobile leads other channels with respect to immediacy, proximity, and intimacy.  Such a personal medium demands personal content.  Brands that deliver personal experiences will outperform brands that expect consumers to sift through extraneous, irrelevant information.  Brands that don’t personalize will never maximize their opportunities here.  The best way to do this is to first decide your audience and customer personas. Mobile campaigns are more effective in connecting with narrower audiences. The combination of selective targeting and a personalized touch is a recipe for mobile success.
Businesses have a unique opportunity to stand out by discovering that mobile devices are not only tools to drive innovation but an ecosystem that can transform customer and employee experiences. mobile is proving itself to be a more highly personal platform and  is now the face of digital because of its influence across the entire marketing landscape.
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