
Tutorials on Hootsuite

Why should you use Hootsuite?

Hootsuite is referred to as a “Social media management system” that helps you manage and connect your many social media channels. It helps you prioritize and see what people are saying about your brand. It can help you mange your company without you having to do anything by setting automatic posts to all your social media accounts. You can customize it and make it work for your brand the way you want it too. You can monitor all your streams in one place without having to flip flop back and forth. You can have more than one person logged into your companies account and have a team manage your social media empire. It also is good with managing customer service and keeping up to date with what your clients are looking for. BY checking trends and seeing feed back of your brand, you can very easily make adjustments and improve your company as quickly as possible. Hootsuite is a way to keep your brand sharp and effective. It helps you manage getting information while doing minimal work. You can even cross RSS feeds with your google plus account and connect it right to your Hootsuite. Transferring information is efficient and quick. If you want your company’s social media platform to take off, Hootsuite is the app for you.

How to link your social media accounts to Hootsuite

Step 1: Download the app Hootsuite through the app store
Step 2: Scroll through the basic background on what Hootsuite is about
Step 3: A page will appear asking you which social media account you would like to link to Hootsuite. Select your choice and sign in
Step 4: Select any additional social media accounts you would like to hook up to Hootsuite. Sign into those as well
Step 5: Begin streaming social media posts through Hootsuite

*If you would like to add any more social media accounts to your Hootsuite, click on the bottom right tab (settings) and select the choice social networks. A page will appear where you can choose “Add social network” and repeat steps 3-5

How to send out social posts

Step 1: Select the “compose” tab (middle icon on the bottom that looks like a pen)
Step 2: Select which social media account you would like to post to
Step 3: Write out your post and attach any images (camera/picture icon), links (paper clip) or location (balloon shaped icon) if necessary
Step 4: Select the Next button in the top right corner
Step 5: Three options will appear after you select next “Send now” “Auto Schedule” “Custom Schedule” If you want to send your post out now, select send now. If you would like Hootsuite to send out your post at a random time, select “Auto schedule.” IF you want to customize the day and time for your post to go out select “Custom schedule”
Step 6: After selection is made choose “Done”
Step 7: To see if setting up a post is successful, click on the “Publisher” tab (looks like a paper airplane” and see if your post appears in the section

How to see trends for Instagram and Twitter

Step 1: Click on the search tab (looks like a magnifying glass)
Step 2: A list of trends will appear for twitter/Instagram nearest your location (example: trends in NY). If you would like to change the place of trends click the “change” button located in the top right corner and select where you would like to see trends from.
Step 3: Click on the trend and see why people are talking about a certain topic and how their posts relate to it
Step 4(if necessary): Create your own post using the trend hashtag and become part of the conversation

*trends are important for a marketing company because it helps them keep up to date with the generation and what is popular amongst them at the time. It can help you interact and keep up with current events that may help you when trying to stay involved with clients.

How to turn push notifications on

If you choose not to allow push notifications when originally starting the app but then change your mind, here is how you can turn them on

Step 1: Click on the settings tab in the bottom right corner of the tab bar
Step 2: Go and click on notifications
Step 3: Click allow notifications
Step 4: GO into the notifications tab and set yourself reminders if necessary. If you have reminders set and don’t want a notification for them select “quiet time” at the top and choose the notifications, you would like to turn off until further notice

How to check Social Media streams using Hootsuite

Step 1: Click on the streams icon in the bottom left corner of the tab bar
Step 2: A list will appear. Select which part of what social media account you would like to look at (example: mentions on twitter)
Step 3: Freely explore social media all at once without having to open each application

How to change your avatar size

Step 1: Go to the settings tab in the bottom right hand corner
Step 2: Click on the preferences button
Step 3: Select “avatar size” (small, medium, large, none)

How to clear your memory

Step 1: Click on the settings tab in the bottom right corner
Step 2: Scroll down to clear history