Start Small, Think Big

18 April, 2017

To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Take action and do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. The starting point of all achievement is taking action. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying yourself to the best of your ability and learning as you go. It is a marathon not a sprint. It’s easy to succumb to the feeling of urgency to do everything now but a better spproach is to prioritize long [...]

Use Your Imagination

18 April, 2017

One of the greatest assets that you have as a human being is the incredible power of your own imagination. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Every idea and all innovative solutions first originated in someone’s mind as a question or part of their inagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world Use the power of your imagination to visualize vividly what you would like to be successful [...]

Learn From the Losers

18 April, 2017

Who can give you better advice on how to succeed than successful people? Well, if you’re smart, you’d also listen to people who failed so you know what pitfalls to avoid. For every person who successfully started a business, listen to someone who failed to find out what tripped them up. Don’t just find out the habits of happy people, learn the habits that can make you miserable, too. While you should never trust just one single research study paying attention to many can paint a better [...]

Get Paid for What You Do

18 April, 2017

If you are in business....You're an expert at what you do, and you expect to get paid for it. So how do you avoid working for free? How do you handle customers or clients that expect you to give away your valuable time? There are some people out there that just want to get what they can for free and aren’t serious about hiring someone to do work for them. The just suck away your time and knowledge and may never be willing to pay you for help. They’ll try to do everything themselves and [...]

See the World

18 April, 2017

Achieve Your Goals For Yourself It's easy to forget why we strive to achieve certain goals. Many people have a need to feel noticed, appreciated, and complimented. But as you climb the ladder of success, you will discover the great truth of human experience is found in the people you touch, the connections you make, and the places you see. Let your success be defined by you. Block out the need to compete. Block out the need to be recognized. Do things for you. Reach your level of success be [...]